Welcome to the CSSA Article Archive

NOTICE: Permission to use this copyrighted material is granted only to members of the CSSA (including Affiliate Societies) and only for non-profit purposes (such as in Affiliate newsletters). Affiliate clubs are members of the CSSA.

The articles here date from about 1999 to 2004 when the stars aligned and volunteers came forward to assemble and format the material. Sadly, the stars moved out of alignment in 2004.

Please use what you would like for your nonprofit publication.

We do request that you give full credit to the contributing newsletter and author in your publication.


In Issue 1:

Beneath the Soil by Michael Louie (San Mateo, Ca.)

Healthy Roots and Watering by Mary Parisi (Pacifica, Ca.)

Observing Haworthia Roots by Peter Taverna (Adelaide, So. Australia)

Recent Publications Compiled by Carol Clapp, The Desert Breeze, Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society

Quiz Time #1 by Chuck Staples


In Issue 2:

Ethnobotany by Deborah Wisniewska-Jones, Toronto

Fertilizer by Louis Kilbert, Michigan


In Issue 3:

Mealybug: The Number One Enemy of Cactus, by David L. Eppele, from On The Desert

Monvillea, by Leo Martin, Plant of the Month from the St.Louis Newsletter

Notocactus and Its Allies, by Leo Martin, Plant of the Month from the St.Louis Newsletter

How are plants named? Part One: Why two names? by Leo Martin, from the St.Louis Newsletter

How are plants named? Part two: What are the naming rules, and where did they come from? by Leo Martin, from the St.Louis Newsletter


In Issue 4:

Quiz Time 2 - 4, by Chuck Staples, from the Mid Iowa Cactus & Succulent Society Newsletter

St. Nicholas Visits the Greenhouse, by Eva Allen, from the Kansas City Prickly Press

Global Growing - Meet Vesna, edited by Linda Tamblyn


In Issue 5:

Quiz Time 5 - 8, by Chuck Staples, from the Mid Iowa Cactus & Succulent Society Newsletter

The Correct Way of Judging Succulent Plants for Awards, By David Naylor, from The Cactus Factus (Ontario)

The Saguaro, Carnegiea gigantea, the state flower of Arizona, by Carol Clapp


In Issue 6:

Poor Growth and That "Winter Problem",
By Dan Mahr - Published in The Henry Shaw Cactus Digest, St. Louis, Missouri USA

About Growing Cactus & Succulents from Seed,
By Lou Kilbert, Ph.D., Michigan Cactus & Succulent Society

Please Don't Drink The Water,
By Roy Paramore - Published in Kaktos Komments, Houston Cactus and Succulent Society

Prickly Pear Juice and Prickly Pear Muffins
By Sue Haffner - Published in Cactus Corner News - Fresno, CA

QUIZ TIME #9 - 12,
Chuck Staples, 1999, Mid-Iowa C&SS


In Issue 7:

Medusoid Euphorbia
By Tom Glavich
From the San Gabriel Valley Cactus and Succulent Society

By Tom Glavich
From the San Gabriel Valley Cactus and Succulent Society

Can They Adapt?
by Emy de la Fuente, Jr.
From Cereus Chatter, the official publication of South Florida Cactus and Succulent Society

Beneficial Scale?
by Emy de la Fuente, Jr.
From Cereus Chatter, the official publication of South Florida Cactus and Succulent Society

Notes from a Court of Last Resort: Cygon-2E used in a collection of Cacti, Succulents and assorted exotics
by John T Hulley
From "Cactus Factus" newsletter of the Toronto Cactus & Succulent Club

QUIZ TIME #13-16 & 17-19
By Chuck Staples Mid-Iowa C&SS

Global Growing: Meet Willy Verheulpen in Belgium
From the Prickly Press, Kansas City C&S Society


In Issue 8:

Cyphostemma by Sue Haffner
From To the Point - Fresno

Forest or Jungle Cacti by Deborah Wisniewska-Jones
From the Cactus Factus - Toronto November 1999

Fat Plants of South America by Carl Frederick (San Anselmo, Ca.)
Cacti of Brazil By Tom Steppe (Alameda, Ca.) Growing the Semps by Lucille Tobiassen (San Francisco, Ca.)
From the San Francisco Cactus and Succulent newsletter

Gasteria by Tom Glavich
From the Communique - San Gabriel Valley Cactus and Succulent Society

Sansevierias by Dennis Kucera
From Open Gates, Gates Cactus And Succulent Society

January Cactus Of The Month - Mammillaria Bocasana - "Fred" by David Thomas
The Northern Cactophile - A poem by Jim Alger
How Cold Is Cold? by Roy "Frosty" Paramore
The Cactus Wren by Phyllis Mceuen
From the Kaktos Komments - Houston

The Mesembs by Lou Kilbert
Notocactus by Lou Kilbert
From the Spinal Column - Michigan

Haworthias by Pam Schnebelen
Copiapoa by Jonathan Watt
Turbinicarpus by Jonathan Watt
Cephalocereus senilis by Jonathan Watt
Cephalocereus senilis by Jonathan Watt
Agave by Jonathan Watt
From St. Louis - Henry Shaw C & S

Travels with Rob by Rob Skillin
From The Cactus Patch

How Cactus Made It To The Americas by Stan Yalof
From Cactus Courier (January) - Palomar C & S


In Issue 9:

Echeveria Laui
by Thomas Schwink, Indianola, Iowa, January 2000
From Mid-Iowa C&SS

From the Beaver's Tale, C&S of Southern Nevada
by Terry Goevert
Ice Plants
by Pete Duncombe

The Rosy Red Cheeks Of The Little Ones
By Art Scarpa
From the CSSM News, C&S Society of Massachusetts

Surfing the Net for C & S
By Mike Rupe
From The Cacto-Files, C&S Society of Austin


In Issue 10:

Spoon Gardens
by Kathy Malon, St. Louis Spoon Fan
Henry Shaw Cactus & Succulent Society

Adventures with Jerry Barad
by Michael Louie (San Mateo, CA)
San Francisco C&S

Pleasures of Dorstenia
by Carl Frederick (San Anselmo, CA)
San Francisco C&S

Quiz Time # 21
Chuck Staples
2000 Mid-Iowa C&SS


In Issue 11:

Time to Winterize
by Michael Louie (San Mateo, Ca.)

Re-potting and Potting Up
by Michael Louie (San Mateo, Ca.)

Seed Cleaning
by Tom Steppe (Concord, Ca.)

Connoisseur's Corner: Senecio ballyi
by Carl Frederick (San Anselmo, Ca.)

The Root Succulent Mesembs
by Carl Frederick (San Anselmo, Ca.)


In Issue 12:

Labeling and Turning Potted Plants
By Thomas Schwink, 2000 Mid-Iowa C&SS

STAPELIADS: Caralluma, Edithcola, Orbea Echidnopsis, Hoodia, Huernia Orbeopsis, Orbeanthus, Stapelia, Stapellianthus, Tavaresia, Trichocaulon, Tromotriche, Piaranthus
By Dennis Kucera - From Open Gates - July 2000 -
Gates Cactus and Succulent Society Redlands, CA

A Tour of Namibia: Why Am I "Quivering"?
by Emy de la Fuente, Jr. - South Florida

Culture Calendar
by Raymond Eden
ESA Bulletin - Volume 55 Number 4


In Issue 13:

The Most Widespread Succulent
By Dr. Bruce J. Hargreaves
from The Cactus Patch, Bakersfield Cactus & Succulent Society

Finishing Touches
by Bob Smoley
Prickly Pages, Greater Pittsburgh C&S

More Notes on Cacti, Succulents, and Temperature
by Ron Byrom
Prickly Pages, Greater Pittsburgh C&S

The Seven Quickest Ways to Kill Your Cacti and Succulents
by Lyle Moomaw
for 'Points of Interest,' Colorado C&S

Diseases, Pests, and Control
edited by Harriet Olds from Cacti and Succulents by P. Perl and The Encyclopedia of Cacti by Cullman, Goetz and Groener
for 'Points of Interest,' Colorado C&S

Observations on Coir
by Harry Mays, Editor, Haworthiad


In Issue 14:

The Sex Life of Euphorbias
By J. Reese Brown
from the "Cactus Courier"
(Palomar Cactus & Succulent Society San Diego CA USA)

Shows and Judging
By PC&SS Life Member: Dorothy Dunn,
from the "Cactus Courier"
(Palomar Cactus & Succulent Society San Diego CA USA)

Succulents in Cultivation (Cacti Included),
Cactus Culture (Based on Biology)
A Review of Two Books
by Kerry Krivoshein
From Spinal Column - Michigan C&S

Book Review - Succulent Flora of Southern Africa
by Doreen Court (A. A. Baldema, Rotterdam, revised edition, 2000)
reviewed by Bruce J. Hargreaves
The Cactus Patch (Bakersfield C&SS)

Desert Plants That Were Used for Food And Medicine
by Claude Townsend
SACXS Facts (San Antonio C&SS)

The Saguaro Boot
by Carol S. Blocker
SACXS Facts (San Antonio C&SS)

The Cholla Surprise
by Carol Blocker
SACXS Facts (San Antonio C&SS)


In Issue 15:

Connoisseur's Corner: Pelargonium crithmifolium
by Carl Frederick (San Anselmo, Ca.)
San Francisco C&SS

Helpful Hint: Draining Heavy Pots
by Thomas M. Schwink
Mid-Iowa C&S Society

My Cactus Club
By Linda Tamblyn
Prickly Press, Kansas City C & S

If it's Flowers You Want, Then it's Echinopsis You Need!
by Emy de la Fuente, Jr.
Cereus Chatter, South Florida C&S

Lithops (Treasures of the Veld): A book review
by Kerry Krivoshein
From Spinal Column -- Michigan C&S

Pasteurizing Soil
By Chuck Staples
Mid-Iowa C&SS

Succulent Euphorbias of Africa and Madagascar
By Dennis Kucera
Open Gates (Gates C&SS)


In Issue 16:

The IRS Can't Get You For Taxonomy or How I Learned to Speak Binomialese
By Stan Korabel
from The Beaver Tale -- Southern Nevada

Care Suggestions for New Plants
By Stan Korabel
from The Beaver Tale -- Southern Nevada

Botany in the back yards of San Diego
By Jon P. Rebman
February 6, 2000 (Palomar C&S)

Dances With Cacti
By Bobbie Irwin
From the Chinle Chapter of the Colorado Cactus and Succulent Society "Points of Interest" newsletter

The Visual Language of Cacti [with images]
By Harriet Olds
From the Colorado Cactus and Succulent Society "Points of Interest" newsletter

By Chuck Staples
2001 Mid-Iowa C&SS


In Issue 17:

Beginners Column
By Artie Chavez
From Cactus Chronicle -Los Angeles

Choosing The Perfect Plant
By Artie Chavez
From Cactus Chronicle -Los Angeles

By Artie Chavez
From Cactus Chronicle Los Angeles

By Artie Chavez
From Cactus Chronicle Los Angeles

By Artie Chavez
From Cactus Chronicle Los Angeles

By Artie Chavez
From Cactus Chronicle Los Angeles

By Artie Chavez From Cactus Chronicle Los Angeles

What Is A Cactus?
By Artie Chavez
From Cactus Chronicle Los Angeles

What Is A Succulent?
By Artie Chavez
From Cactus Chronicle Los Angeles


In Issue 18:

Also Known As ...
by Sue Haffner
From Cactus Corner News

Epiphyllum Cuttings
By Sue Haffner
From Cactus Corner News

Coddling Your Plants Through an Arctic Winter
by Mike Hellmann
St. Louis C &S

Growing Aztekium from Seed
by Piotr Swiatoniowski
From the San Francisco C&S Society newsletter

Seed Production -- Part 1
By Thomas Schwink Mid-Iowa C&S

Seed Production -Part 2
Pachypodiums & Adeniums
By Thomas Schwink Mid-Iowa C&S

by Jeff Lake
Mid-Iowa C&S


In Issue 19:

By Chuck Staples
2002 Mid-Iowa C&SS, USA

Ramblings of a Succulentophile
by Meena Singh u4bias4meena@hotmail.com
from the isocs Journal - India

Grafting - Good or Bad
By Ram Gandhi
from the isocs Journal - India

Opuntia articulata var. oligacantha
by Meena Singh u4bias4meena@hotmail.com
from the isocs Journal - India


In Issue 20:

Notes on Colorful, Graceful Euphorbia francoisii
By Pete Boudraint National Capitol C&S

by Dick Kohlschreiber Epi Gram - South Bay Epiphyllum Society

All that is known about Black Spot.
By Harry Mays Alsterworthia International 1(2)3-5


In Issue 21:

A Tall Story ?
By Chuck Staples, Mid-Iowa C&Ss March 2002

The Huntington Desert Garden
By Chuck Staples Mid-Iowa C&Ss, March 2002

Seedy Stuff
By Sue Haffner, Cactus Corner News - Fresno, CA

Growing From Seed
By Sue Haffner, Cactus Corner News - Fresno, CA

A Silent Assistant
by Dick Schreiber, Mid-Iowa Cactus and Succulent Society (with photos)

A Cactus Greenhouse in Iowa
By Dick Schreiber, Mid-Iowa C&SS Member February 2001

Summering Plants Out-of-doors
By Lou Kilbert, Michigan Cactus & Succulent Society 7/2001

Identification and Classification of Euphorbias
By Reese Brown, Palomar Cactus & Succulent Society


In Issue 22:

White Bugs with Red Juice
by Royal Akin from Cactus Corner, Palomar C & SS
(with photos)

Lithops & Conophytum
Small Scale Succulents for the Big Time Collector
By Stephen Cooley from the Cactus Patch, Bakersfield Cactus & Succulent Society

Desert Ferns
By Sue Haffner from Cactus Corner News , Fresno C& SS

How Can They Grow Cacti There?
by Emy de la Fuente, Jr. from Cereus Chatter, South Florida C&SS
(with photos)

by Phyllis Flechsig
from the "Cactus Courier", Palomar Cactus & Succulent Society

How Plants Are Named
Submitted by Bob Smoley from Prickly Pages, Greater Pittsburgh C&SS

The Dragon Trees
By Andrew Wilson
from the "Cactus Courier", Palomar Cactus & Succulent Society
(with photos)


In Issue 23:

What To Do With An Upsidedown Cactus
By Sue Haffner Fresno C&S Cactus Corner News

How Smart Are Plants - Really?
By Sue Haffner Fresno C&S Cactus Corner News

Can Water Drops Burn Your Plants?
By Sue Haffner Fresno C&S Cactus Corner News

A Brief History Of The Genus Lithops And Lithops Turbiniformis (Haw.) N.E.Brown
By Chuck Staples Mid-Iowa C&S
(with photo)

Seed Production -- Part 3: Aloaceae Aloe, Gasteria, And Haworthia
Article And Pictures By Thomas Schwink Mid-Iowa C&S
(with photos)

Finding The Perfect Pot
By Stephen Cooley - Bakersfield C&Ss - The Cactus Patch
(with photo)

The Quest For The Crest
By Stephen Cooley - Bakersfield C&Ss - The Cactus Patch
(with photo)

Le Jardin Exotic de Monaco.
By Gary Barrett - Austin C&S - The Cacto-Files

Lighting for Succulent Plants
By Jerry Addington Cascade C&S The Point


In Issue 24:

Succulent Of The Month: Adromischus
By Phyllis Flechsig
from Palomar C&S Cactus Courier

Care of New Plants
by Meena Singh

Aloe ferox
by Meena Singh

ALOES - Small and Beautiful
by Ram Gandhi
Indian Society of C&S ISOCS Journal
gasteria (at) vsnl.com

CAUDICIFORMS- The Fat Bottomed Plants
by Ram Gandhi
Indian Society of C&S ISOCS Journal
gasteria (at) vsnl.com

Namaqualand Wanderings
By Kim Hamilton
Australia C&S Western Suburbs Cactus Club Journal

Growing Euphorbia Millii Hybrids In Vietnam
By Nguyen Phu Anh Tuan
Danang Cactus Club, 53 Le Hong Phong St, Danang, Vietnam


In Issue 25:

Loaves, Fishes, and Flies (with photos)
by Stephen Hammer
Sphaeroid Institute, Vista CA 92064

by Tom Knapik (with photos)
from Espinas Y Flores, newsletter of the San Diego Cactus & Succulent Society

by Chris Miller (with photos)
from Espinas Y Flores, newsletter of the San Diego Cactus & Succulent Society

Succulent Orchids
by Pam Badger (with photos)
from Espinas Y Flores, newsletter of the San Diego Cactus & Succulent Society

Contemplating Frailea
by Mark Fryer (with photos)
from Espinas Y Flores, newsletter of the San Diego Cactus & Succulent Society

by Sue Haffner
Cactus Corner News Fresno C&SS

by Sue Haffner
Cactus Corner News Fresno C&SS

by Sue Haffner
Cactus Corner News Fresno C&SS

Notocactus, Oops Sorry Parodia
By Kim Hamilton
Western Suburbs Cactus Club Journal (Australia)

Hard Water In Las Vegas
By Stan Korabell
The Beaver Tale C&SS of Southern Nevada


In Issue 26:

by Chuck Staples
from Mid-Iowa C&SS

A brief history of the genus Mammillaria and Mammillaria mammillaris (Linnaeus) Karsten
by Chuck Staples
Mid-Iowa C&SS

By Chuck Staples
Mid-Iowa C&SS

by Thomas Schwink
Mid-Iowa C&SS

by Dick Kohlschrieber
The Epi-Gram South Bay Epiphyllum Society

Caudiciforms Explained - Pelargoniums
By Brad Johnson (with graphics)
Points of Interest; Colorado C&SS

Escobaria Minima
by Fred Gaumer
On the Dry Side Monterey Bay Area C&SS

By Maureen Gilmer
On the Dry Side Monterey Bay Area C&SS


In Issue 27:

The Pot And Plant Matcher
By Linda Cooley (with graphics)
From the Bakersfield Cactus & Succulent Society

The Succulents of Disneyland
by Stephen Cooley (with photos)
From the Bakersfield Cactus & Succulent Society

The Succulents of South Wales and Cornwall
Text & Photo by Linda Cooley (with photo)
From The Bakersfield Cactus & Succulent Society

Caudiciform Asclepiads (with photo)
By Tom Glavich
San Gabriel Valley C&S

Hook Spined Mammillaria (with photo)
By Tom Glavich
San Gabriel Valley C&S

Contemplating Frailea
By Mark Fryer
from Espinas Y Flores, San Diego Cactus & Succulent Society

By Eric Driskill
Henry Shaw C&S St Louis

Watering in Winter
by Lou Kilbert, Ph.D.
Michigan Cactus & Succulent Society

Spider Mites
by Lou Kilbert, Ph.D.
Michigan Cactus & Succulent Society

Mealy Bugs
by Lou Kilbert, Ph.D.
Michigan Cactus & Succulent Society

Community Pots of Winter Hardy Cactus
by Lou Kilbert, Ph.D.
Michigan Cactus & Succulent Society


In Issue 28:

Terrestrial Bromeliads
by Phyllis Flechsig
from Cactus Courier, Palomar Cactus & Succulent Society

Pseudopilocereus, Pilocereus, Pilocereus
by Don Krechel
Henry Shaw C&S Society

Seed Production: Succulent Euphorbiaceae
By Thomas Schwink
Mid_Iowa C&S
Photo by Mid-Iowa C&S

Vacation Spot - In a Pot
by Linda Tamblyn
Prickly Press, Kansas City C&S

Lobivia (with photos)
by Emy de la Fuente, Jr.
Cereus Chatter, South Florida C&S

Mammillaria Theresae
by Sue Haffner
Cactus Corner News Fresno C&SS

by Sue Haffner
Cactus Corner News Fresno C&SS


In Issue 29:

Hoyas: Easy-Care Plants Provide Flowery Rewards (with photo)
by Janet Kister
Henry Shaw C&S, St Louis, MO

By Eric Driskill
Henry Shaw C&S, St Louis, MO

By Eric Driskill
Henry Shaw C&S, St Louis, MO

Gassterias -- The Leaf Succulents
By Meena Singh Email: u4bias4meena (at) hotmail.com
Indian Society of C&S ISOCS Journal

What's in a Name?
By Stan Korabell
The Beaver Tale C&SS of Southern Nevada

Mammallaria Clusters (with photo)
By Tom Glavich May 2003
Los Angeles C&S Society

Coryphantha and Thelocactus
By Tom Glavich
Los Angeles Cactus and Succulent Society

Echeveria (with photo)
By Tom Glavich
Los Angeles Cactus and Succulent Society

Columnar Cacti (with photo)
By Tom Glavich
Los Angeles Cactus and Succulent Society

Photos from Anza Borrego Desert State Park,
California in April, 2003 Brazil
by Nels Christianson
Sunset Succulent Society (Photos and captions)


In Issue 30:

Cissus (with photo)
by Emy de la Fuente, Jr.
Cereus Chatter, South Florida C&S

Aloe Polyphylla
by Sue Haffner
From Cactus Corner News

When Bad Things Happen To Good Cacti
by Sue Haffner
From Cactus Corner News

Is It a Succulent? or Is It a Cactus?
by Lou Kilbert
Spinal Column, Michigan C&S

Quizzical Plants: Monstrose and Crested Succulents (with photos)
by L. M. Moe
The Cactus Patch, Bakersfield, CA

by Dick Kohlschreiber
The Epi-Gram Palos Verdes, CA July 2003

Photos from Minas Gerais, Brazil
by Nels Christianson
Sunset Succulent Society (Photos & captions)

In Defense of Dactylopsis
By Matthew R. Opel
San Francisco Succulent and Cactus Society Newsletter


In Issue 31:

Half Mens of Namaqualand
Fred Gaumer
On the Dry Side Monterey Bay Area C&SS

Pots - Why Do You Use The Ones You Use?
By Sue Haffner
Fresno C&S

From Brazil: Uebelmannia
By Sue Haffner
Fresno C&S

Aloe Plicatilis: The Fan Aloe
by Chuck Staples
Mid-Iowa C&SS

``Crown of Thorns'' Euphorbia milii
by Chuck Staples
Mid-Iowa C&SS

People, Pets, Pests and Natural Pesticides
by Deborah Wisniewska-Jones
Cactus Factus Toronto C & S

Purchasing and Care of New Plants
By David Naylor
from The Cactus Factus (Ontario) Toronto C & S

Alooideae - Asphodelaceae And The Genera Thereof
By M.B. Bayer
Alsterworthia International Special Issue No 4
